Instructions For Creating An Impressive Informative Essay About Korea

There are some classes in which the teacher will ask you to explore other geographical units. You need to be prepared to do this when you get the assignment. The extreme juxtaposition and governments of South and North Korea, will make or quite an interesting paper. Use our instructions for creating an impressive informative essay on the country.

Instructions for an Informative Essay on Korea

  • Know the country-you will want to explore all aspects of the country. Some of the things you will want to explore are the:
    • Language’
    • Traditions
    • Military
    • Politics
    • Rulers
    • Job situations
    • Terrain
    • History
    • Famous people
    • Problems
  • Decide on North or South-the two different arenas are miles apart in beliefs, politics, military, and traditions. You have to select one or the other. The only way you could address both is if you opt for a compare and a contrast piece.
  • Pick the topic-once you select the topic, go back and look at the main points you want to cover in the piece. You will want to pick 2-4 solid ideas. Then look to make sure if research exists on these ideas. Remove and replace any weaker ideas. If you must keep a weaker point, then make sure to place it in the sentence between two stronger subjects.
  • Use academic research databases-the country (North or South) does not allow for the release of tons of information. You can find the basics such as population, weather, and terrain online, but things like military, government, and politics can be a bit secretive. So, do not rely on rumors or unconfirmed information. Use only credible, reliable, and valid sources for accuracy purposes.
  • Make an outline-once you have a thesis statement and research, and then begin to make the outline. The outline is the most important pre-writing tool. A solid outline will result in a good paper. Take the time to make a complete and detailed outline.
  • Follow instructions-make sure that you read, understand, and follow the teacher’s instructions. Some things to focus on are the length, amount of sources, amount of in-text citations, and due date. If you are in doubt about any of the teacher directions, make sure to ask the instructor to clarify the information for you. If you get stuck or fall behind in the composition, make sure to go for extra help with the teacher.

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